12 September 2010

Quasars, primordial black holes and this question - Why is there a black hole at the center of a universe??

Obviously, there is no singular definitive answer to this question (that I know anyway.) I am not a space bot that can travel in time to find the source. But, amazing theorists have ideas; and I, being a pursuer of shaking my own ignorance - read what they have to say.

I started my exploration tonight with an article on MSN about a flare out of the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The article discusses how X-rays are expelled from the center of our galaxy, and a group of Japanese scientists have analyzed clouds of this dispersing residue in order to conclude the timing in which our galaxy did this last (presumably to theorize about if and when it will happen again as well as to understand it's origin.)

Leading me to research the definition of a quasar , which turns out to be the condensed term used to describe a galaxy whose black hole is currently active, or 'feeding excessively'; this activity being the result of far more active mass consumption than is currently the case in our galaxy. Some theorists suggest that our galaxy either once was or is on some sort of rotation of quasar like activity followed by the more subdued behavior we currently witness (as a sort of resting period.)

This led me to the question that is the title of this post. I learned a few days back about planets turning into black holes. O.k. that has been registered… But, why on earth are black holes the center of galaxies? And large (or gigantic) black holes, at that. Leading me to a definition on various types of black holes or theories of their creation and (here it is) the bid bang theory. A mentioning of the theory of primordial black holes, the hypothesis that they were initially dispersed into the universe at the big bang and eventually ended up becoming galaxies (the 'eventually' portion is for further research :)

Which leads me to a wonderful site discovery; the site is a non profit scientific study/findings e-service provided by Cornell University and includes written work on physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology and statistics- as it states on it’s page. I found this fascinating piece on wormholes and theories pertaining and look forward to delving into this site further this weekend. Unfortunately, I cannot spend the night researching the wonderful references in this particular compilation to see what I make of the work.

Alas, always in need of more time.


I've Thought...

03.09 ~ I am but human, in my thoughts and desires- in my inconsistencies. It makes my opposing decisions no less real, no less quantitative... confusion is but the eye of truth, beckoning reason. ~ 03.12 ~ Time. It's existence is action progression, regression, reflection and projection. What in time is solidified and carried to another time is my choice. In one choice you lose all others; as an atom appreciates when the observer decides. It's a blue ocean of intrigue and a wave of contentment- that I am lost in, whilst, carried by. ~ 03.23 ~ That we are all part of one pulsing energy of life.. ~ 3.28 ~ There is no greater power, than the power of words. In speech we pass each other in halls, ride in elevators and embark in the great adventure that are words - with all of their beauty and intrigue. There are no wrong words spoken, only wrong interpretations and implications. Honest words are organic, true and expressions of what we are; existing autonomously and innocently, regardless of what others may think of them. 3.30 ~ That, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. It certainly doesn't help being in the company of those who have succeeded in accumulating far more knowledge than I. Is the differentiation between intelligence and knowledge simply the accumulation verses the ability to learn/understand? Or, are the two interchangeable. I feel as though time is passing faster than my ability to accumulate... do other people share this conundrum, I wonder... 4.02 ~ That, "It is what it is" isn't exactly accurate. "It is what I make it" is more so... 4.08 ~ That, "it's not time that matters... it's that mattering is what makes time." 4.12 ~ I watch and wonder... think and ponder... about it. Should I find that I have analyzed to much, to little; or that the quandary was all for not, I'll not know till the applicable time has passed.I hereby instill time as my guide, innocently and fully without disposition and without angst. (4.17) ~ Though random, we should not ignore paths crossed. Just as, we should not entirely exclude emotion from our conclusions. (4.26) ~ That I dispise my lack of control over my own intentions and wonder why I am so weak in this regard. (4.27) ~ That I have opened doors, I wished to open, while simultaniously putting other doors at risk of closing. It's not with resistance I contemplate, it's with anxiety. (4.28) That, I should take a break. Time to simply be, for a bit. (5.01) Its hunger drives decent of rational, a battle of wit and need. Like rain pouring down, wisped by winds, settled by gravity, I’m drawn to it ~ KAS